More RaceS
We have the right track for every athlete.

Children's Races
Through the Ringpark.
In the course of the WVV Marathon Würzburg the children have the chance to take part in the "Kinderläufe".
Children's Races on Saturday
- Starting Time: 2.00 pm
- Designation: Children's one-eighth Marathon
- Distance: ca. 500 m
- Age: 2 to 4 years
- Age-groups: 2015 to 2017
- Starting Time: 2.30 pm
- Designation: Children's quarter Marathon
- Distance: ca. 1000 m
- Age: 5 to 7 years
- Age-groups: 2012 to 2014
- Starting Time: 3.00 pm
- Designation: Pupils' Half Marathon
- Distance: ca. 2000 m
- Age: W/M 8 to W/M 15
- Age-groups: 2004 to 2011
Youth Races on Sunday
- For pupils who want to run a longer track and who want to get closer to a Marathon
- Starting Time: 09.00 am
- Age: W/M10 to W/M 18
- Age-groups: 2001 to 2009
- For pupils who want to run a longer track and who want to get closer to a Marathon
- Starting Time: 12.30 pm
- Age: W/M10 to W/M18
- Age-gropus: 2002 to 2009
- Attractive prices for the fastest pupil (male/female) and the fastest team of pupils.
Schiffer Rosinenbrötchenlauf
Length of Track ca. 3 km.
The track has a length of ca. 3 km.
The Schiffer Rosinenbrötchenlauf starts at Congress Centrum Würzburg (CCW) on Saturday at 10:00 am.
The first 99 athletes that enter the starting point get an original and beautiful Rosinenbrötchenlauf-shirt.
Afterwards we'll jog ca. 20 minutes through the city together.
The participants will get spoilt with a breakfast at a Schiffer location.
- Age:
everyone from 3 to 99 - Praticipation:
The race and the breakfast are free for every participant. - Caution:
The first 99 athletes that enter the starting point get a Rosinenbrötchenlauf-shirt.
Entry Fees
Register now and be part of it.
Children's Races
€8per Child
Entry Fees for Race A, B, or C
- Race A: Children's one-eighth Marathon
- Race B: Children's quarter Marathon
- Race C: Pupil's Half Marathon
- no Late Registration Fees

Schiffer Rosinenbrötchenlauf
€00incl. Breakfast
no Entry Fees
- Die ersten 99 Läufer,
die sich am Startpunkt einfinden,
erhalten ein Rosinenbrötchenlauf-Shirt
- Der Lauf und das Frühstück ist für alle Teilnehmer kostenlos
- keine Anmeldung nötig